
Kicking tires in the Moblin Garage

[ Thanks to An Anonymous Reader for
this link. ]

“The Installer is one of those admirable system
administration tools that aspires toward great simplicity. Why
should maintaining a system be complex?

“In terms of helping novice users find popular apps, it reminds
me a little of the cool GoPlay, GoLearn, GoXYZ tool added to Debian
Lenny (albeit without the screenshot links and detailed metadata).
In terms of package install interfaces, it reminds me more than a
little of GNOME’s popular Synaptic manager, down to the need to
refresh package lists from time to time, configure repositories,
and so on.

“Yet, if the Installer resembles Synaptic, it’s a younger, more
svelte version yet to gain a sparetire of gratuitous functionality
(whatever did we do, before we could customize the color coding of
our Synaptic package status info? GNOME is getting more KDE-like
all the time).”

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