“Git is a distributed VCS (Version Control System) that is
quickly gaining popularity among many companies and projects. Take
a look at the GitHub site, and you’ll see a number of
projects reside there.“Many projects have converted from “traditional”
version control systems like CVS and Subversion to Git because of
the flexibility and features it provides.“One main feature is that it is distributed, which means that
there is no central server. Unlike Subversion, you can commit to a
Git repository whether you are online or not. With Subversion, if
you were doing programming on a plane, you’d have to wait
until you could reach the central repository in order to commit
your changes to the repository. With Git, you have your own
repository that is cloned from the master repository, which means
you can commit to it as often as you like, whether you have
Internet connectivity or not. When you do have connectivity again,
you don’t commit your changes back to the master repository,
you merge your changes in.”
Learn to use Git version control for added flexibility
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