
Linux 2.6.32-rc3 Released

“Or not “entirely”. As too many people pointed out, I had been
somewhat less than careful, and the 2.6.32-rc1 release actually
called itself -rc2 in the Makefile. As a result, I don’t want to
make a 2.6.32-rc2 release, since any bug-reports etc would then be
met with the inevitable confusion: do you mean -rc2 as in the
Makefile (ie really -rc1) or -rc2 as in the tagged release.

“So I’m avoiding that confusion entirely, and consider the -rc1
release to have also been -rc2, and thus a week later we’re now at
-rc3. And let’s hope that I won’t have that particular “senior
moment” any more. Although I’m sure I can screw up releases some
other way.”

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