“This was the week that Loki Software, Inc., the once-promising Linux games company that came to resemble Enron writ small, was scheduled to disappear beneath the waves forever.
“But a trustee’s hearing Monday afternoon that would have declared Loki devoid of assets and formally closed the all-but-dead company was continued until April 8 — because Loki’s president, Scott Draeker, didn’t show up for the hearing. Draeker’s lawyer said he had no idea where Draeker was or how he could be reached.
“In such curcumstances, a four-week continuance is automatic. What if any sanctions might be imposed against Draeker for his nonappearance are not known.
“Draeker’s nonappearance was the latest parallel between the game software publisher and the more famous recent corporate bankruptcy. As with Enron, the company heads appear to have come out okay, leaving unpaid employees holding the short end of the joystick…”
Linux and Main: Game Over–Well, No, Paused–for Loki
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