L I N U X M A N D R A K E "The User-Friendly Linux Distribution" A N N O U N C E S: Linux-Mandrake 5.3 (Festen) released. http://www.linux-mandrake.com/ February, 11 1999 Hello, I am very pleased to announce Linux-Mandrake 5.3 (Festen). This is the latest release of our user-friendly and flexible desktop Linux-based operating system. It is currently available for download via FTP, in both traditional and iso9660 image formats. The latter can be burned directly onto a CDROM and has been very popular. o What's new in 5.3? ----------------- We have decided to release a new version because there were too many major improvements to simply provide updates. So we have put those new components into 5.3: - XFree which recognizes many of the latest video cards - KDE 1.1 (in more than 30 languages!) for Mandrake, the new fantastic graphical desktop environment (default desktop in Mandrake) - Kernel 2.0.36 final (installation) + new Kernel 2.2.1 (sources + needed RPM updates) - new packages like ksiag (spreadsheet), kisdn), wine (windows apps emulator), kdetoys... - many other packages, updates, and improvements Also included with Linux-Mandrake 5.3 is our new "Installation and Use Guide", in English, German and French. o Compatibility: ------------- Linux-Mandrake is still 100% compatible with RedHat Linux (based on 5.2). You can install any RPM package in Linux-Mandrake. o Details: ------- Please have a look at our website for package details in Mandrake 5.3. Here is a brief overview: First, you get an international installation procedure (including en (default), cs, fi, no, tr, ro, sr, sk, de, da, se, it, es, fr). Mandrake add-ons: kpackage (.rpm/.deb packages manager) x11amp (mp3 player) kvirc (full featured graphical irc client) licq (ICQ client) aktion (mpeg/avi/mov player) ksnapshot (screenshots program) ktelnet (K version of telnet) ktop (graphical system-resources visualizer) kpilot (Pilot synchronization utility) spacesounds (pre-integrated sound-theme for KDE) GPL flash2/3 plugin (pre-integrated to Netscape) krubik (nice Rubik's cube game) kfortune (get a new fortune each time you start KDE!) xkobo (a nice spacewar game) kworldwatch (what time is it currently in...?) wine (windows 16/32 applications emulator) xemacs (the well-known text editor) Mandrake-SOHO (Small Office Home Office) extensions: klyx (WYSIWYG fronted to LaTeX) maxwell (word processor, nice to import word6.0 and RTF files) ksiag (nice spreadsheet) sane (scanning plugin for Gimp) korganizer (full personal organizer) ksendfax (fax utility) kvoice (voice modem utility) kisdn (ISDN utility) X-Server extensions(must be set manually): XBF server (for i740-based boards) Locale (must be set manually) extensions: Various translated manpages Core System details: Linux Kernel version: 2.0.36 (final) + 2.2.1 (sources + needed updates) ld.so version: 1.9.5 glibc version: 2.0.7 egcs version: 1.0.3a gcc version: Base Applications details: RedHat Linux version: 5.2 KDE version: 1.1 XFree86: Gimp version: 1.0.1 Apache version: 1.3.3 Netscape Communicator versions: 4.08 + 4.5 Emacs version: 20.3 XEmacs version: 20.4 o Available platforms: ------------------- x86 (Sparc & Alpha in preparation) o Availability: ------------ ftp (traditional or iso9660 image) http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/ftp.html "GPL Edition" (1 CD) http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/fsinglecd.html "Power-Pack Edition" (4 CDs - also includes Corel WordPerfect 8.0 Download Edition) http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/fpowerpack.html Have fun with Mandrake 5.3! Gael. ------------------------------------------------------------- LINUX - MANDRAKE "The User-Friendly Linux Distribution" http://www.linux-mandrake.com ------------------------------------------------------------- What is Linux-Mandrake exactly? ------------------------------ Linux-Mandrake is an updated Red Hat Linux, with the KDE graphical desktop fully integrated and preconfigured in it. Those two parts have been modified and improved to work properly together. Linux-Mandrake is 100% compatible with RedHat Linux. Main goals of this new distribution: ----------------------------------- - we wish to provide a working and easy-to-install Linux distribution for people who do not want to spend too much time on installation and configuration of their Linux system : just install it and USE IT. - we wish to provide a very attractive, easy-to-use, Linux System for newbies coming from the very common OS that you know ;-) For example, after having your new Linux-Mandrake installed, just type `startx' and your beautiful KDE graphical environment arrives without crying :-) Now, just click on the cd-rom icon (on your desktop) to mount and use your cd-rom (it's the same for floppy disks). This is very easy and you do not need to be superuser (root) for that! - we wish to provide a new distribution in a well-known linux environment (Red Hat Linux) Previous versions: ----------------- - Mandrake 5.1 (Venice) - Mandrake 5.2 (Leeloo) Current version: --------------- - Mandrake 5.3 (Festen)
Linux-Mandrake 5.3 released
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