
Linux Mint 8 �Helena� LXDE released!

“The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 8
“Helena” LXDE Community Edition.

“Quick steps:

* Download the ISO or the torrent.
* While it’s downloading look at the overview of the new features
in Linux Mint 8 LXDE, read the User Guide and make sure to quickly
go through the known issues.
* After the ISO is downloaded verify the MD5 (as described in the
user guide).
* Burn the ISO at low speed and enjoy Linux Mint 8 LXDE.

“Introduction to Linux Mint 8 LXDE:

“Based on Linux Mint 8 Main Edition, Linux 2.6.31, Openbox, PCManFM 0.5.2, and Xorg 7.4, Linux Mint 8 LXDE Edition
features a complete and familiar desktop experience while being low
on resource usage and is suitable for a good variety of older

“For a detailed overview of the new features and improvements
included in Linux Mint 8 LXDE, please read “What’s new in Helena


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