
Linux Today Quick Takes

Here are some announcements and newsbites of assorted

  • Linux-Mandrake at LinuxWorld Expo
    Gaël Duval says,
    ” We are very pleased to announce that we (some representatives and
    developers from Linux-Mandrake) will be at
    LinuxWorld Expo on
    august, 10-12 1999 – San Jose, CA. You will find us at the Pick Systems‘ stand. Come to meet
  • Poll running for Storage Review
    Mike pointed us to a poll at this Storagereview.com
    site, requesting people to vote for the operating system that they
    are interested in. Mike points out that they do a good job of
    reviewing hard drives – it sure would be nice if they did some
    Linux-based testing.
  • First pics of Amiga MCC — Transmeta screen

    James Russell noticed
    that Amiga has confirmed that Transmeta is at least a part of the
    team for Amiga MCC. At this
    you’ll find the video snapshot showing Linus Torvalds and
    the name Transmeta.
  • Heretic 2 for Linux!
    Natas says, “Its official
    guys…we are getting Heretic2 for Linux! Read the Loki Portal Site for more

    Also in Loki games news…

  • Bungie Anounces Myth II for Linux
    David Figueiredo pointed us to
    a press release from May that talks about Myth II for Linux. David
    said, ‘Bungie Software, long a
    leader in both multiplatform development and high-end games, casts
    a vote of confidence for Linux by announcing that their recent hit
    title ‘Myth II:
    will soon be available for the open-source

    To port and distribute the title, Bungie has turned to Loki
    Entertainment Software, the premier company bringing triple-A
    titles to the Linux platform. As Loki’s president Scott Draeker
    points out, “Linux is not just for servers any more! Many of the
    ten-million-plus Linux users would like to play games on their
    operating system of choice.” Loki recently released “Civilization:
    Call to Power”, and will be porting “Railroad Tycoon II” and
    “Eric’s Ultimate Solitaire” in the near future. Among other game
    companies, id Software recently announced that it will be releasing
    Quake III: Arena for Linux.

  • Berliner Tageszeitung interview with Richard

    Fred Mobach says, “At the site
    of the Berliner Tageszeitung you
    can read
    an interview
    (in German) with Richard Stallman, who visited the
    Wizards of OS conference in Berlin, Germany. It’s a good interview,
    it’s like reading RMS’s own papers.
  • Porting NetZero to Linux?
    Andrew Bowser passes this

    Here is a snippet from a Usenet exchange on a NetZero, the free
    (ad-supported) ISP, and Linux. Seems the company is interested in
    porting/developing/modifying a Java app to work on Linux boxen. (To
    access NetZero’s free Internet service, you have to endure a
    permanent Java-based ad window.)

     Subject: Netzero on Linux
     Author: Czouch 
       Date: 1999-07-10
    Sources: comp.os.linux.hardware, comp.os.linux.networking

    If you’re willing to try and write the Java code for our banner, go
    right ahead. It needs to be a floating Java box, always in the
    foreground, that cannot be stuck (i.e. when you change to another
    area of your virtual desktop, it moves to alwyas stay on the
    visible screen).

    Don’t worry about it too much, though. I was just informed
    yesterday that, after our MacOS port is finished later this year,
    work is going to begin on the OS/2 and Linux versions. In fact, I
    was told that our original release actually did run under

    So, it looks like it’s only a matter of time….


  • Aberdeen offers Servers
    Dan Lark noticed that the
    major online reseller is now offering Linux systems on this webpage

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