Leading items and editorials: Where is the Linux community?, The
Ottawa Linux Symposium and Some updates from the DVD front.
“Where is the Linux community? Two years ago, now, came the
announcements that both Oracle and Infoseek would port their
database products to Linux. Such announcements are an hourly event
now, so those who weren’t into Linux at that time perhaps do not
have a feel for what an impact those announcements made. For many,
the availability of Oracle was the one indicator that would show
that Linux was for real….”
“The Ottawa Linux Symposium was a good place to find the Linux
development community. With a program dominated by Linux
developers, lots of time set aside for people to talk, access to
good beer, and no exhibit floor it was truly a hacker’s event. Have
a look at LWN’s OLS coverage for reports and pictures from the
“Some updates from the DVD front. The 2600 case (wherein 2600
Magazine is being sued by the MPAA in the form of Universal City
Studios for having mirrored the DeCSS code) has concluded testimony
in New York. Some of the final developments in the trial