Leading items and editorials:The other free software war, More
on the :CueCat and LWN readers have spoken.
” There are two competing free software projects out there, both
working on solutions to the same problem. There are strong
differences of opinion on who has the best technology; a fair
amount of sniping goes back and forth. Corporate interests are
increasingly visible, and accusations of selling out are
occasionally heard. There is also occasional talk of bringing the
two projects together, but it doesn’t look likely to ever
“More on the :CueCat. Last week’s LWN discussed the sad story of
the :CueCat scanner and the Linux driver that the :CueCat’s backer,
Digital Convergence, seeks to suppress. That issue lacks any sort
of resolution at this point, but there are a few followup items
that are worth mentioning….”
“LWN readers have spoken. We had guessed that the popup windows
with the software announcements would be unpopular. In fact, not a
single reader wrote in favor of them. So they are gone,
forevermore. We still don’t have the announcements sorted by
license, but that will change next week… we promise…”