
LinuxNewbie.org: Configuring kHTTPd NHF (v0.95)

[ Thanks to Sensei
for this link. ]

“NOTE: This NHF only applies to those running 2.4.x (or newer
2.3.x) kernels. Those with 2.2.x or older kernels must upgrade
before continuing. BE WARNED: kHTTPd is still experimental, so it’s
not my fault if something breaks. Blame it

“kHTTPd is a webserver that handles only static (file based,
non-cgi/php) webpages, and passes all requests for non-static
(dynamic) information to a regular userspace-webserver such as
Apache or Zeus.
This is benificial because it offloads the
delivery of static webpages to the kernel, allowing the
userspace-webserver program (such as apache) to do what it does
best: deliver dynamic contenet
(cgi-bin, php). In a nutshell,
it makes your webserver work faster, which means you can serve up
more pr0n err, useful files faster…yes…heh heh heh.”

“You’ve got your shiny new 2.4.x kernel, and now you want to get
kHTTPd working. There are two ways to compile kHTTPd into the
kernel. Directly or as a module. I suggest compiling it in directly
because modules cause overhead, but do as you wish. If you don’t
know how to compile a kernel, then you should take a look at the
Kernel Compling NHF first.”


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