
LinuxPlanet: CrossOver Office: Cutting to the Quicken

“‘Linux does not have the right applications.’ Then you aren’t
looking hard enough. OpenOffice.org, and its cousin StarOffice, is
every bit as useful as any office suite put out for Windows.
KOffice, AbiWord, Mozilla, Evolution… solid products all.

But I cannot be quite so cavalier about that last statement.
While there are excellent applications out there for Linux, that
old bugaboo of intertia rears its ugly head even for me from time
to time. There are certain applications out there that require, at
least for me, a Windows or Mac be located in the house

“While I am an admitted geek, I have heard it stated by several
sources that one of the biggest obstacles preventing so-called
“normal” people from switching to Linux is the lack of
small-business accounting software, such as Quicken. I could point
to GNUCash, but let’s face it–Quicken is wildly popular amongst
the SOHO set as well as the home users who just want to balance
their checkbooks every month. Quicken, it seems, has the

“And this has been noticed by more than just the humble
pundits–Codeweavers, Inc. took serious note of Quicken’s
popularity as well, and was apparently convinced of it since they
have now added support for Quicken in the latest release of
CrossOver Office 1.2.0…”


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