
LinuxPlanet: One Fat Gecko: Netscape 6

[ Thanks to Kevin
for this link. ]

“I’ve read a couple of decent reviews and a few real
slammers, but most reviewers manage to set a neutral tone. I guess
this is down to human politeness. When somebody is very ill, we try
to avoid criticizing them. Well, sorry about this, but I’m about to
be rude.”

“Netscape 6 is based on the open-source Mozilla browser, which
is being assembled through a cooperative project, rather like the
Linux operating system. There are very few differences between
Netscape 6 and Mozilla’s Gecko M16, with the obvious exception that
Gecko works at about twice the speed.”

“Being polite, we gracefully say, “But this is a preview version
– it’s allowed to have bugs.” Maybe that’s true, but not this many.
Its font handling is poor, it can’t keep track of its own URL
history, it gave my CPU palpitations, and of course it’s liable to
crash. It rejects good Java, and as for its DHTML handling – well,
I haven’t quite figured that one out yet. It’s supposed to be close
to a standard version of the DOM (Document Object Model), and I’m
sure it is, but whatever it’s doing it fails to work with a large
proportion of JavaScript already on the Web, and that’s bad


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