“dotcomma’s new Partner System allows programmers to contact
other programmers and help them get together and work on projects
together. This is not merely a jobs listing, but rather a
place where two or more people with similar interests can join
forces to work together on a project. Most projects are open source
and not for pay.”
“Here’s how it works. One person who is working on – or is
planning to begin working on – a project will submit a request for
a partner. The request form asks for information about the project
and about the person they are looking for. For example, it asks
what level of experience is needed for the languages that are
necessary for the project. Then that listing will be displayed in
the “partners” box for dotcomma’s registered users for those that
the project applies to. For example, if the originator requested
that the user have selected at least a 7/10 self-selecter rating as
their programming ability in Perl, then the listing will only be
displayed for users with at least a 7/10 knowledge in Perl. The
numbers are self-selected by the user in his or her preferences.
All listings will also be available on a browse listings page.”