“Qbizm Technologies, Inc. is proud to announce a new beta
version of its HyperQbs 2.0 component-oriented framework for
presentation logic. HyperQbs is a specialized middle-ware enabling
reusable components with a dynamic face. The technology of dynamic
face is crucial especially in mobile commerce applications and
personalization. HyperQbs functions as an extension of any Java2EE
and XML based application server.“
“Beta testers are welcome to freely download the whole
distribution from the HyperQbs developer portal at
http://www.hyperqbs.org. The most valuable feedbacks will be
awarded with a Qbistic present :-)”
“Qbizm Technologies, Inc. is a partner in the delivery and
deployment of added value software building blocks for
sophisticated and scalable mobile commerce solutions. Qbizm’s
European award winning research and development team has developed
a new open architecture (HyperQbs) for Internet application
developers enabling reusable software components with a dynamic