“Author of just-released “Delphi in a Nutshell” says “Kylix”
could become the premier development tool for Linux.”
“With a new name and a new focus on CORBA, database drivers, and
Microsoft Back Office applications, Inprise/Borland Delphi is
staging a comeback with a growing user base of programmers who use
Delphi for rapid development of enterprise computing applications.
And that base is expected to mushroom with the release of a new
version designed for Linux….”
“Ray Lischner’s ‘Delphi in a Nutshell’ is a clear and concise
reference to Delphi that should be a part of every Delphi
developer’s bookshelf,” said Ben Riga, Director of Product
Management at Inprise/Borland. “With the excitement and interest
surrounding the forthcoming Kylix project, this book also becomes a
primer for Delphi on Linux. Developers interested in RAD Linux
development would be doing themselves a favor by learning Delphi
for Windows today with Lischner’s new book. ‘Delphi in a Nutshell’
is also significant because it brings O’Reilly’s reputation as the
leading publisher of books for Linux into the world of Delphi
development and vice versa. Developers interested in either Windows
or future Linux Delphi application development should keep this
book close at hand.”