“Mark de Does released version 2.5 his wysiwyg rich text
processor Ted for Linux under the GNU/General Public License. With
this release he wants to contribute to the personal productivity of
Linux users. The software shows that appealing Linux software that
is easy to use and easy to install indeed exists.”
“About two years ago Ted was started as an operating system
accessory like Wordpad for Linux. Compatibility with Macintosh and
Windows word processing applications played an important role in
the design of Ted. Every document produced by Ted is a legal
something.rtf file for Word without any loss of formatting or
information. In the other direction, compatibility with Word is not
perfect, but a major part of the functionality of Word is
supported. Although from the point of view of technical elegance,
RTF is far from ideal, the fact that RTF files can be exchanged
between so many word processing programs was conclusive in the
choice of a file format.”