
LinuxWorld: Taking Kylix 3 for a Test Drive

“Last week I wrote about problems getting Kylix 3 Open Edition
(K3OE) working on Red Hat 7.3. This week, I’ll be describing my
experiences actually using K3OE, particularly its
brand-spanking-new C++ IDE. Previous versions of Kylix have been
for Delphi only.

“I know, I know–true Linux geeks never use RAD tools, or even
IDEs. Not unless you consider Emacs to be an IDE, that is. For the
rest of the world, RADs and IDEs are very handy tools that provide
real productivity gains. Management likes that.

“Kylix 3 is a truly visual development tool. You use its
components and design tools to create a visual representation of
the window(s) you want to create, and it generates the code
required for you. Now that C++ code can be produced as well as
Delphi, Kylix is going to become even more important for
Linux-development efforts. Whether you use it or not–and whether
you like it or not–its success will mean more applications more
quickly for Linux…”


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