“Cutting-edge Java media technologies will enable Linux users to
develop media-enhanced applications for multiple platforms”
“Sun Microsystems, Inc. today announced that it has licensed its
leading JavaTM Media technologies to the Linux Blackdown Porting
Team, an informal group of Linux developers. The licensing
agreement delivers the inherent strengths of the Java programming
environment to Linux users and includes the following SunTM
application programming interfaces (APIs): Java 3DTM API, Java
Media Framework API, Java Advanced Imaging API and Java Sound API.
This agreement enables the Linux community to develop and
distribute media- enhanced applications for the Java 2 platform for
non-commercial use. For the first time, Linux developers will be
able to create platform- independent, network-centric applications
for educational, business and technical users with the easy-to-use
Java Media APIs.”
“By licensing several of Sun’s Java Media technologies, the
Blackdown team will serve as a conduit to bring these tools to the
entire Linux community. Linux users will now be able to quickly and
easily incorporate 3D graphics, 2D imaging and multimedia data –
including stored or streaming audio, video, MIDI – into their
applications. Because these APIs are built using Java technology’s
“Write Once, Run AnywhereTM” philosophy, media-enhanced
applications developed using the APIs are able to run on multiple
platforms, which dramatically reduces application development time
and costs.”