“While Electronic Arts has done a good job of convincing the
world that it takes 100 squibillion dollars to make a modern
computer game, the indie scene continues to thrive in a world where
people like to try out ideas just for fun, learn for learning’s
sake and are happy if a finished piece of software comes out at the
end of the day.“If that sounds like you, hopefully you’re already having a lot
of fun programming your Linux box, Xbox, iPhone and any other
device that stays still long enough. On the other hand, if you’re
fine with trying out ideas and happy with the idea of having a
finished piece of software, but hit a bit of a mental speed bump at
the idea of learning lots of new stuff to accomplish said feat,
you’re not alone: lots of people like the idea of having a bit of
fun making their own games, but the Venn diagram of where they
cross with people happy to spend their time learning to program is,
well, non-existent.“Fortunately, if you have great ideas bubbling away in your
brain, there are two things that will act as mental floss. The
first is called Pygame, which is a set of libraries that make it
easy for everyone to make games in the newbie-friendly Python
programming language.”
Make a Python game in minutes with Gloss
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