“The one practice that all experienced developers agree is a
necessity for any software project is actively managing project
code in a version control system. Version control systems have been
a key part of the industry for almost 40 years because they give
teams the ability to do all this without bringing the entire
project to a halt:“Simultaneously modify files
Maintain a diary explaining the reason behind various changes
Review and even revert to earlier versions of the software
Incorporate patches
Safely experiment with new features“Whether you’re a team of one or are part of a team distributed
across several continents, it is imperative that you adapt a
version control system and begin using it with the same level of
regularity as you might your favorite IDE.“In this article, I’ll introduce you to Git, the open source
version control system created by none other than Linux project
founder Linus Torvalds.”
Meet Git, the Version Control System for Developers Who Like Ease
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