Reaches 1,000 Registrants After First Week
inBeta, Opens Community Documentation for Better Monitoring
PracticesSAN FRANCISCO — September 30,
2009—MonitoringForge(, the epicenter
of all open source projectsthat relate to IT monitoring, announces
its 1,000th registered memberin the first six days after the public
launch of the beta Web site. Inaddition to its expanding membership
base, the community is now invitedto participate in the largest
publicly contributed documentationproject, focused around the
deployment and enhancement of open sourcemonitoring tools. This
project is appropriately dubbed “WTFMM” forWrite The Flippin’
Monitoring Manual, and is located withinMonitoringForge’s
wiki: the launch, MonitoringForge has added several hundred
newprojects and plugins, bringing the total projects to more than
1,900.According to site traffic, WMI agentless plugins has been the
mostactive project.“We are excited about MonitoringForge’s open invitation to
members forparticipation in the largest, living, how-to-guide
covering anymonitoring tool available,” said Tara Spalding, vice
president ofMarketing for GroundWork Open Source (GWOS, “With therapid congregation of members from various
backgrounds and preferences,we know the contributed documentation
will be detailed, expansive andaccurate, further helping the
members contrast and compare solutions.”To participate, visit register as a
member. Once logged in, you can contribute copy orlink to external
areas that contain knowledge information about thefollowing
topics:How to use popular monitoring tools such as Zenoss, Hyperic,
GroundWork Monitor, MRTG, Nagios and more How to integrate
monitoring tools with Puppet or Splunk How to develop plugins on
different platforms such as Zenoss, Nagios and HypericHow to build and customize platforms such as GroundWork Monitor
and othersMonitoringForge Beta September Statistics:
Members: 1,200
Total Active Projects and Plugins: 1,982
Top Most Visited Projects: WMI agentless Plugins, Opsview, NagVis,
GroundWork Monitor Architect, Zenoss Core Top Most Active Projects:
WMI agentless Plugins, GroundWorkMonitor Community Edition,
RedHat-Nagios-Plugins, Lighttpd GmetricScript, Zenoss CoreTop 5 Releases by Download Count: 2, Check
Oraclestatus & health without, check_xen 2, Business Objects XI
r2/3,check_mssql_sprocMonitoringForge is designed to appeal to IT administrators who
want tocompare and understand the differences between various open
sourcemonitoring tools and plugins available today, facilitating
theselection of open source monitoring software over
proprietaryofferings.MonitoringForge also provides the opportunity for system
integratorsand VARs who have experience with open source monitoring
to show theirknowledge and share their experiences with the
community byparticipating in the open documents and connecting with
the members.About ( is the epicenter of
allopen source projects that relate to IT monitoring. Any
participant,project or company is welcome to contribute to the
MonitoringForgecommunity. As the first website to provide a common
community for coredevelopers of IT monitoring, MonitoringForge
believes users can inspirean open standard and cross platform
integration, so that network andsystems monitoring tools becomes
more efficient and less expensive. Reaches 1,000 Registrants After First Week inBeta
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