
Net-Security.org: Solsoft Enhances Functionality of its FREE Security Management Solution For Linux

[ Thanks to BHZ
for this link. ]

“Solsoft, Inc., the leading provider of policy management for
e-Business security, today announced immediate availability of the
newest version of its free Linux security management solution.”

“Following the success of its first release of Solsoft-NP-Lite
for Linux in July, the new version, called Solsoft NP-Lite 4.0,
offers robust functionality including: a new visual interface for
easier definition of the security policies, an enhanced compiler
for optimized filters and performance, and a new Policy Audit
function for a better view of defined policies and existing

“The first version of Solsoft NP-Lite, which was released in
July, was a tremendous success with the Linux community,” explained
Andy Allison, product manager for Solsoft NP-Lite at Solsoft. “With
this new version users are able to realize the benefits of
protecting their networks with a global policy perspective. The
intelligence of Solsoft NP-Lite is unprecedented as a
simple-to-use, yet comprehensive management solution. We are proud
to offer it to the Linux community.”

Press Release

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