[ Linux Today reader Eric Anderson for sending in this:
(from the ibm.software.java.linux newsgroup at
After some initial teething problems with the web page (that
a few of you noticed), we can now announce that the first fix level
of the IBM 1.1.8 JDK for Linux is available for download. The
download location can be reached from the Linux Zone at the IBM
DeveloperWorks site. The fixes list available with this release
shows all the fixes that went in for defects that were raised
against the IBM Linux 1.1.8 JDK. In other words, defects that were
initially raised against other IBM JDKs and were common to the
Linux JDK do not appear in the fixes list even though the fix is in
the code. In future releases of the IBM 1.1.8 Linux JDK all fixes
will be listed in the fixes list.
Please remember to read the README. This contains important
information about how to raise problems, a link to a web page that
describes how to set up your Linux kernel so that 1000s of threads
can run, details on limitations and other useful information.
This first fix level is l118-19991221. Please upgrade to this
level before reporting any problems.