
NewsDay: Powerful Potential

Thanks to Seth
for this link.

Newsday, 3/24/99, “Plugged In” Section, page C3.

“THE COMPUTER BUSINESS only gets stranger as we move into the
21st Century. Despite a few million man-years and a few billion
corporate dollars spent developing proprietary computer operating
systems, there’s a chance that Linux, a cool hack by a lone
programer and volunteer labor, could displace all this expensive
stuff – including Microsoft Windows.”

“You can scarcely avoid Linux in the computer trades. It is
cool. It belongs to the People, not Bill Gates. Computer
manufacturers are adopting it. It has potential to run on
everything from toys to digital assistants to PCs and mainframes.
It chops, slices and dices, and may even prevent premature
baldness, if its biggest boosters are to be believed.”

“The big obstacle to replacing Windows with Linux so far has
been the absence of a decent freebie graphic shell. Another
cooperative project called GNOME is expected to remedy this by
creating a standard way of working with Linux.”

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