NewsForge reviews Engarde Secure Linux and says:
“With minimal system access allowed and every
precaution taken, Engarde Secure Linux just might be the best
distribution for Web/mail servers yet. It doesn’t have all the
bells and whistles of other distributions or operating systems, but
it would seem that, unlike other companies that market server OSes,
Guardian Digital does not think Pinball is an appropriate
application for a server. With tight security and everything you
need to configure a server out of the box built into it, Engarde
Linux is something you should consider if building a secure Web
site for commerce or any other purpose, or just needing a reliable
mail server. Engarde is available on at the Web site at no charge,
or you may purchase it for $35, which includes shipping, 60 days
installation support (though I very much doubt you will need it)
and a printed manual, as well as the Engarde CDs themselves. Even
at $35, Engarde is a steal compared to other ecommerce