[ Thanks to Chris
Halsall for this report: ]
I just got off the phone with Benjamin Wells of NewTek. I was expressing my interest in
a Linux version of their wonderful LightWave rendering package. The
story is that although they have no definite plans, they are
currently deciding if the next platform to be
ported should be Linux, or DEC Alpha.
When I asked if they actually thought the market was larger for
Alpha over x86 Linux, Ben said they really didn’t know, but would
like to hear from people who are in a buying position for either.
So… if you’d like a Linux version of LightWave, and are willing
to buy it, please email Ben at lwfeatures@newtek.com and let
them know.
For those who weren’t aware, LightWave was used to create all the
CG effects for Babylon 5, along with a great many other popular
shows. It’s a very powerful system with a fairly intuitive
interface. Ah, the day we can buy a site licence for the LightWave
renderer, and put it on a Beowulf cluster!
LT ED. Note: Please read the talkback submitted below by
Chuck Baker, NewTek’s Director of Customer Support and Services,
for some clarifications.