“The open source Apache CouchDB database project hit a major
milestone this week with the release of version 0.11. The release
is an important one for the NoSQL database variant as it matures
toward its 1.0 release. According to the project’s release notes,
CouchDB is the first release of the open source database that
hasn’t been tagged as having an alpha or beta status.“With the 0.11 release, CouchDB introduces new features and
performance improvements while locking down development for future
stability. CouchDB is a popular NoSQL open source database that
includes the ability for database content to be replicated in the
cloud and on users’ desktops.“”The 0.11 release is the first release where we’re going into
feature freeze, so this is the release where we’ll be interface
stable for 1.0, which will follow shortly,” Damien Katz, the
creator of CouchDB, told InternetNews.com. “That’s big news for
people looking for CouchDB stability.”
NoSQL CouchDB Getting Stable with New Release
Sean Michael Kerner
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