
Open-source Sugar snared by Jobsian code block

“Open-source CRM developer SugarCRM has been snared by the dark,
so-called brilliance of Apple’s whip-tongued chief executive Steve

“SugarCRM has completely re-written the mobile version of its
software to work on Apple’s iPhone and the iPad, dumping HTML to
run on natively using Appcelerator’s Titanium. SugarCRM for the
iPad is due to be announced today with a beta version of SugarCRM
6.0 updated for Javascript and that positions the suite to make
massive use of the emerging HTML 5 standard, company co-founder and
vice president of products Clint Orem told The Reg.

“But today’s debut comes as Jobs has banned SugarCRM and
everyone else from accessing Apple’s software through intermediary
translators like Titanium on the iPhone or iPad. The hurdle popped
up in the iPhone 4.0 OS SDK revealed last week.”


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