
O’Reilly Network: GNOME Panel Applets

[ Thanks to S.Ramaswamy for this link.

“Greetings Pythonists and fans of British humor. Today, we’re
going to take a look at a great little Python module called
PyGNOME. With this piece of software in hand, we can, without fear
of being forced to use some other uncomfortable programming
language, dive into the big world of GUI (Graphical User Interface)
programming. You see, PyGNOME gives us a complete Python interface
for dealing with the GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment)
development/desktop environment. In this article, we will take
a closer look at something called panel applets, which are
essential elements on the GNOME desktop. Panel applets are usually
developed in C, but this article will teach you how to use PyGNOME
to develop GNOME panel applets with Python!”

“Most people think of GNOME as a modern desktop environment.
While that is true, GNOME is much more than a desktop environment;
it is also a complete framework for GUI development. The GNOME
development framework provides libraries and components that
programers can use to easily build standardized GUI applications
and utilities. And, in addition to a desktop environment and GUI
development standard, GNOME is also a large set of free software,
including everything from word processors to CD players. All these
software components follow the GNOME standard, and they therefore
look and act basically the same.”

“The GNOME desktop comes with the panel, the bar that is located
at the bottom of your GNOME desktop. From the panel, you can access
your menus and quick-launchers. In addition, the panel can hold
small programs, usually referred to as applets. Applets are
programs designed to run inside another program. They are
mini-applications. GNOME panel applets run on the panel instead of
in a window of their own. If, however, you ignore the difference in
where they are located, panel applets are just like any other
program. Everything you can implement in a “real” GNOME program can
also be implemented in a panel applet. (Although, when developing
an applet you will have a much smaller area of the screen to work

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