
PCWeek: Hang on to your old Windows utilities

[ Thanks to Cy
for this link. ]

“Many products still work only with NT, not Windows 2000 (recall
the delicate dance). And it’s likely that most IT managers will use
Windows 9x and NT on the desktop for several more years. Based on
our informal performance testing, Windows 2000 doesn’t seem to make
corporate desktops much more stable, much more manageable or much
more productive. Best sit out this dance for now.” “First, don’t
expect to be able to deploy the new operating system to corporate
desktops using the usual software distribution tools. Traditional
desktop management suites, including Intel’s LANDesk Management
Suite 6.3, don’t officially support distribution of Windows

“Second, don’t be in too much of a hurry to ditch all your
tried-and-true Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT utilities.
Weeks after PC Week Labs installed Windows 2000 on nearly 100
PCs, we’re still digging through trash cans searching for NT
service packs. It turns out that not many applications are ready to
run on Windows 2000.”

“Many products still work only with NT, not Windows 2000 (recall
the delicate dance). And it’s likely that most IT managers will use
Windows 9x and NT on the desktop for several more years. Based on
our informal performance testing, Windows 2000 doesn’t seem to make
corporate desktops much more stable, much more manageable or much
more productive. Best sit out this dance for now.”


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