“In March, I went to IDG’s LinuxWorld in California and the
Singapore Linux Users Conference, spent three days in Hong Kong
visiting Linux customers, and am writing this at CeBIT, where there
is a Linux Pavilion.”
“I asked my hosts if there was a Red Hat software distributor in
Hong Kong. They did not know. I went to the Web, found two, called
one, and in less than hour we had an Alpha Linux distribution. Yes,
Linux is everywhere.”
“A number of things made this CeBIT special for me. The first
happened as I was walking into the building during setup. I saw the
word Linux on the wall of a booth you would not normally associate
with Linux. I stopped to take a picture of it. Then I went a little
further and saw another one, and another. The next day, as the
booths shaped up, penguins started to appear. Penguins of all
sizes. Penguins prominently displayed. Penguins in cars. Penguin
pins on lapels.”