“MyFreeDesk is the first company to offer a full set of office
applications combined with file sharing capabilities at no charge
over the Internet. Initially available for Windows and Linux PCs as
well as certain versions of the Macintosh platform, applications
include a fully featured word processor, spreadsheet, presentation
program, database, email manager and Web page editor.”
“Many of today’s leading companies have built their business on
offering free products — from email to Internet access to
software,” said James Rice, MyFreeDesk CEO. “The market’s rapid
adoption of Linux, for example, supports the viability of
free-product business models. MyFreeDesk is continuing this trend
by providing a free suite of office applications designed to enable
individuals to maximize productivity and collaborate more easily.
Our goal is to provide essential business software … anywhere and
on any desktop….”
“Our office suite effectively makes Internet appliances,
such as the Linux-based machines introduced at the recent Consumer
Electronics Show, as powerful as any PC,” said Rice. “We
expect our free service to deliver similar computing power to the
many Internet kiosks being installed in airports and shopping malls