
Pyjamas: writing AJAX applications in Python

“Essentially, a developer uses the pyjamas-supplied libraries
that provide user interface widgets and Document Object Model (DOM)
control from Python. This code is then combined with a library that
implements various Javascript language features in Python—an
impedance-matching layer between the two languages called
pyjslib—and turned into Javascript and HTML that can be
loaded into a browser. The pyjs program “translates Python code to
Javascript by walking the Python abstract syntax tree and
generating Javascript”.

“But, using pyjamas is not at all like “normal” web programming.
As the web site and FAQ are quick to point out, pyjamas is not just
another AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) framework, it is
more akin to writing a desktop program that is translated into web
application. In fact, Pyjamas-Desktop allows the same code that is
developed for the web application to be run, unmodified, on the
desktop. The same Python source that gets fed into the translator
can, instead, be run, and, more importantly, debugged, on the
developer’s desktop.”

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