
Release Digest: GNOME, December 7, 2003

gnome-vfsmm 1.3.5


gnome-vfsmm wraps the gnome-vfs API for C++. This is becoming
usable – see, for instance, Regexxer and PrefixSuffix.



  • Handle
    • Close in the destructor.
    • read(): don’t throw an exception for a simple end-of file
  • examples/simple/main.cc: Use a loop to read all the data, not
    just the first chunk. (Murray Cumming)


The tarball contains these small examples: http://cvs.gnome.org/lxr/source/gnomemm/gnome-vfsmm/examples/



Murray Cumming

Sodipodi SVG flags 1.4

Sodipodi SVG flags 1.4

This is the third release of the Sodipodi flag collection. This
collection currently consist of 275 different international and
local flags. The flags are donated by their authors into the public
domain. The flags are in the scalable and free SVG format which
today is supported by most major vector graphics programs. Most
flags are done using the Sodipodi vector drawing application. In
others words these are free flags in a free format made with a free

The core collection of flags in this collection are meant to be
as accurate as possible. If you discover flags in here that have
wrong proportions or wrong colors then please update the flag with
the correct colors or sizes and send it to us with an

New flags are of course also welcomed, but remember we need a
clear statement from you that you dedicate the flag to the public
domain, preferably using the Creative Commons public domain
dedication process found here:
We do hope that many of you take some time to help us make this an
even more complete collection.

We hope that this collection can be useful to people in many
different settings be that in relation to software, publishing,
education and so on.

This release also contains a perl script by Timur I. Bakeyev
which will rename the flags into files using the ISO country codes.
You find the script included in the flags tarball or zipfile. You
can also find more information about it on Timur’s project page:

The assembly of this huge collection has been made possible
thanks to the hard work of many people. We big thank you goes to
all our contributors listed in the CREDITS file distributed with
this package.

We would like to especially thank Tobias Jakobs and Caleb Moore
for the multiple contributions to this latest release. Caleb Moore
also fixed librsvg to enable it or properly render all the flags
and his fixes will be in the next release of librsvg (which means
Nautilus will render the flags correctly).

You can see all of the currently contributed flags here:

The creation of these flags had not been possible without the
hard work that free software coders have put into great tools like
Sodipodi and librsvg. The projects have helped increase the
viability of SVG in free and open source software a lot.

Both these two tools and the new Inkscape project do need more
coders in order to improve further. People interested in working on
these and other issues are highly encouraged to join the project
mailing-lists. You find the projects here:

You can download the package in either tar.gz or zip format from
the sourceforge file area:



Christian Schaller

PrefixSuffix 0.4.0


PrefixSuffix is a small, simple GUI app that lets you rename
files by changing the start or end of their filenames.

It demonstrates use of the GNOME C++ bindings, particularly
gtkmm, libglademm, gconfmm, and gnome-vfsmm.


  • Now uses gnome-vfsmm, so any URI should work, not just
    directories on the local file system.
  • There is now a progress bar.
  • It now shows dialogs if incorrect data has been entered, and if
    there are runtime failures.




You will need bakery, available from

and libglademm and gnome-vfsmm, available from http://www.gtkmm.org/
and packaged by superior Linux distributions everywhere.

Murray Cumming


(Narrowly missing out on the “two releases in 24 hours”

Scrollkeeper 0.3.14 (codename: “Whoops”) has now been

There was a slight problem with the 0.3.13 release that was made
yesterday. To wit, there was only a small chance that it would
actually compile for most people due to a problem with the shipped
intltool scripts. This release fixes that problem.


Scrollkeeper is a document meta-data storage system. It enables
applications to access a list of all installed documentation and
retrieve individual documents in a uniform fashion. It is currently
used extensively by the GNOME help system for retrieving help
documentation for each application.


Download the tarball from the main SourceForge page at


or from the GNOME FTP sites, including


Bug reports:

Bug reports or problems with the release should be filed at the
SourceForge bug tracker



The intltool scripts shipped in the tarball have been fixed.

regexxer 0.6


regexxer does GUI search/replace in multiple text files, with
visual feedback at every step. You can even see the results of
complex perl regular expressions before applying the changes.

I have taken over maintainership until Daniel Elstner
resurfaces, but I’m just a caretaker. Bring your patches.



regexxer 0.6

  • Use GConf for preferences, instead of a text file.
  • Use gnome-vfs to allow search/replace of files at any URI, not
    just on local file system. (Murray Cumming)

This might very possibly be much slower than the previous
version. Tell me, or even better, try to make it faster and send a

Murray Cumming

gnome-vfsmm 1.3.4


gnome-vfsmm wraps the gnome-vfs API for C++. It will soon be
part of gnomemm. We are still figuring gnome-vfs out so your
criticism is welcome, as always.



  • transfer_*(): Added string-based versions of the methods.
  • Uri::to_string(): Added default argument value.
  • Use C casts instead of static_casts<> for broken old gcc
    2.95.4 compilers. bug #120619. (Murray Cumming)
  • Fixed documentation generation. (Alberto Paro)


The tarball contains these small examples: http://cvs.gnome.org/lxr/source/gnomemm/gnome-vfsmm/examples/



Murray Cumming

GNOME themes extras 0.5

As an early Christmas gift are we offering a new release of
everyones favorite package of GNOME SVG metathemes.

The GNOME-themes-extras package contains themes using SVG
graphics to theme your applications, file system icons and menu’s
in GNOME. It is worth nothing that these themes actually use SVG
files unlike some other themes which only use converted bitmaps of
vector images.

In this release we have many small and big incremental fixes and
more are to come in the future. For this release we present the
following additions and updates:


  • Menu themes updated to work with Red Hat Fedora Core
  • Bugfixes from Andew Johnson to Smooth theme engine (making
    things like the new gnome-media mixer work correctly)
  • Many new Nuvola icons by David Vignoni
  • Improved menu themeing coverage for Wasp theme

Rendering issues:
Thanks to the work of Caleb Moore the librsvg rendering engine has
many important rendering fixes in CVS. Due to this we recomend that
people using SVG themes update their version of librsvg as soon as
the next release is made.

Request for new artists:
The GNOME themes extras package contains a lot of icons, but there
are still a lot of icons that needs making in order to get these
themes as complete as possible. The artists behind these icon sets
are contributing new icons and artwork as time allows them, but we
do need help in order to get them complete in reasonable time. Any
artists out there who would be willing to help us fill the gaps in
these themes would be very welcome. Any interested artists should
mail me (Christian Schaller) and I will send you a list of the most
needed icons for the theme you would want to help out with.

You find screenshots and download instructions for
gnome-themes-extras on: http://librsvg.sourceforge.net/theme.php

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