
Release Digest: GNU, December 17, 2003

tla 1.1

A new release of GNU arch, tla-1.1, is now officially

GNU arch is a distributed, changeset-oriented revision control
system: an alternative to CVS and to proprietary tools such as
those used to maintain the Linux kernel.

Because of the current troubles at savannah.gnu.org there may be some
delay before this release becomes available from “the usual source”
which is http://www.gnu.org/software/gnu-arch.

It can be obtained from two alternative sites:



The tar bundle is called tla-1.1.tar.gz. Accompanying the
distribution is a gpg detached signature (tla-1.1.tar.gz.sig) and
my public key is attached to this message. The MD5 checksum of the
tar bundle is 58527f281f425be1a015dcb015245a33.

This release contains a number of significant performance and
feature enhancements and reflects the contributions of an active
community of volunteer developers, reviewers, enlightening critics,
kibitzers, and testers.

Of particular interest to many will be the new support (relative
to 1.0) for:

  • far more flexible “tagging methods”

    A variety of mechanisms have been added or improved to make it
    easy to import arbitrary source trees into arch.

  • more regular command names and interfaces

    The naming of arch commands and their command line interfaces
    have received considerable attention resulting in a more regular

  • improved speed

    A number of basic operations have been considerably sped up,
    making arch more suitable for large trees.

  • improved HTTP and WebDAV support

    Various issues relating to using arch through firewalls or via
    http proxies have been addressed.

  • improved documentation

    The tutorial has been (at least “more or less” 🙂 brought up to
    date with the latest additions to arch.

  • new browsing commands

    The abrowse and rbrowse commands make it easier to conveniently
    explore the contents of an arch archive.

  • hard-linked project trees

    You can “check out” (`get’ in arch-speak) a revision very
    cheaply in both time and space by hard-linking to an archival copy.
    The archival copy itself is protected against accidental corruption
    that might result from this practice.

  • automatic “revision library management” and the ability to
    suppress “pristine copies”

    Formerly, checking out an arch project created two copies of the
    tree: one for you to edit, and another “pristine” copy for
    comparison purposes. This is still the default behavior however it
    is a simple matter to configure arch so that the space and time
    penalties associated with pristine copies can be largely avoided.
    (See the tutorial chapter about advanced revision library

  • more than I can sum up in a short list

    Additionally, there are many bug fixes and small

Beyond these developments to arch itself, several “ancillary”
projects have sprung up around arch since 1.0: cvs gateways,
browsers, graphical user interfaces and more. The best place to
learn about these is on the gnu-arch-users mailing list.

Because of the savannah.gnu.org difficulties, the
web based interface for subscribing to the mailing list is
currently unavailable. As an alternative, you can write to:


putting the word “subscribe” in the subject line.

Thank you for your support,
– -t


The arch project is financially supported entirely by
contributions from the general public. Financial help, if you are
able to provide, is both very much needed and very much
appreciated. You can find more information about this at:


or http://arch.quackerhead.com/~lord

The arch project is also, significantly, supported by
contributions of labor by a substantial number of volunteers
(listed in the ChangeLog and in the =THANKS file — both of which,
I fear, are doomed to be an incomplete record). A community of
contributors has helped arch to advance far more rapidly than would
otherwise have been possible.

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