GRASS GIS 6.0.0 beta2
“Commonly referred to as GRASS, this is a Geographic Information
System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis,
image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and
Konstruct 20050209
“Konstruct is a build system which helps you install KDE
releases and applications on your system. It downloads defined
source tarballs, checks their integrity, decompresses, patches,
configures, builds, and installs them…”
KMidiTracker 0.5.9
“KMidiTracker is a MIDI Tracker for ALSA similar to FastTracker
or Buzz, but only the tracker part, as the output is only MIDI data
that can then be used by any kind of synthesizer…”
qjackctl 0.2.15a
“Qjackctl is a simple Qt application to control the JACK sound
server daemon, specific for the Linux Audio Desktop
KlamAV 0.12
“KlamAV brings ClamAV functionality to the KDE desktop user. In
other words, it’s a front-end…”
DataKiosk 0.5
“DataKiosk is a JuK-like database interface tool for generic SQL
databases. What does that mean…?”
Umbrello UML Modeller 1.4.0-beta2
“Tool to draw diagrams of Object Orientated software in industry
standard Unified Modelling Language. Imports C++ and exports
various languages…”
Kcomain 0.3
“Kcomain is a installation dialog wizard to guide a user through
the process of configuration, compilation and installation…”
KDE 3.4 Beta 2
“KDE 3.4 Beta 2 can be downloaded over the Internet by visiting Source code and vendor supplied binary packages
are available. For additional information on package availability
and to read further release notes, please visit the KDE 3.4 Beta 2
information page…”