[ Thanks to Corie for
this link. ]
“…Linux is moving in on everything Sun has worked so hard
to establish. Is Sun preparing to battle? Are Solaris developers
sharpening their swords, focusing their energies on wiping out the
Linux community? Actually, they’re not. Sun is helping Linux in a
big way. … They are members of Linux International, a
nonprofit organization which spreads information about Linux
globally. They are also members of the li18nux project, an effort
to assist developers in internationalizing their software. Sun also
works with the Free Standards Group and Linux Standards Base to
help create open industry standards.”
“Most Linux users are familiar with StarOffice, the office suite
created by Star Division which was acquired by Sun in August of
1999. StarOffice is available for a multitude of platforms,
including Linux, Solaris, and Windows. In fact, Sun has plans to
open the source code to StarOffice when they release version 6.0
this October. This is not only a step to improving the quality of
the product and porting it to other platforms, but this will also
help other developers working on similar office applications.”
“Sun has been working with developers to port Linux to the
UltraSPARC architecture. Now, thanks to their efforts, several
Linux distributions support the UltraSPARC platform, such as Red
Hat Linux, Caldera Openlinux, and Debian GNU/Linux.”