
Small Times: NanoTitan Wants to Teach the World to Speak Nanotech

“NanoTitan Inc. aims to do for nanocomputing what Netscape did
for Web browsers.

“Just as Netscape helped spur growth of the Internet by enabling
Web surfers to download its browser for free, NanoTitan wants to
create a similar ripple in the small tech community. The company
has written an open source software code, known as nanoML, and made
it available to engineers who are working to build integrated
nanocomputing devices and nanosystems.

“The Potomac Falls, Va.-based company rolled out a beta version
of nanoML for users to download and experiment with in building
engineering applications for molecular computing devices. NanoML
seeks to capture critical elements of nanodevices, including
molecular components, properties, interoperability, legal status,
assembly, display and operational constraints. This could enable
engineers to specify a device’s operational characteristics even if
its molecular structure was unknown…”


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