“The chinese government has put its stamp of approval on
Linux. What if other parts of the world soon follow suit?“
“This is more than just an idle intellectual exercise. These are
decisions with a potentially global impact that could come home to
roost in your business, not to mention sharply shift the balance of
power throughout the high-tech industry.”
“Think about what would happen if India, one of the largest
markets for software development, also decided to back Linux.
There’s ample reason to do so. The per capita income in India is
significantly lower than that in the Western nations, and rapid
adoption due to lower cost would greatly boost sales of other
software and services in that country.”
“Together with China, that would account for roughly 40 percent
of the world’s population. Couple that with IBM’s push to run Linux
on all of its hardware platforms, and the popularity of Linux in
Europe, and it’s not that farfetched to see the balance of power
shifting very rapidly. No wonder the folks in Redmond are