
StockHouse.ca: Corel Bridges Linux/Microsoft Gap

[ Thanks to Godi for this link.

“What the Jackson decision has said to the market is that the
basic problem is that MSFT effectively hasn’t had any viable
competitor in the operating-systems business. However, depending on
Jackson’s decision in May, it seems like a good bet that the Linux
operating system could jump in fill that role.”

“Enter–Michael Cowpland–the flamboyant CEO of Ottawa-based
Corel… Not only has he publicly stated that Corel considers
Microsoft a valued partner, he has come out strongly against a
possible break-up. … For a company that deals on a regular basis
with MSFT… it becomes even more important that Corel allies
itself further with their partner should tough sanctions take

“Not content to sit back on their expanding market share, Corel
has actively forged new alliances with a variety of tech start-ups,
which should eventually make Linux more accessible and compatible
with a wide range of applications. … Further, Corel has announced
a partnership with EBIZ Enterprises [EBIZ] that will see both Corel
and Microsoft products bundled with EBIZ hardware. … It is
Corel’s intent to offer future versions of their Linux operating
system, incorporating technology that allows users to run Windows
applications over the Internet.”


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