“What I am confronted with every day is the clash between
designers and developers. This is more of a metaphorical one than a
real thing, but it exists. The problem is that the two worlds
cannot meet on solid ground. The designer thinks in terms of style,
shapes, layouts, while the developer thinks in terms of code,
structure and architecture. But there is some point–albeit
shaky–where the two meet, and that is called HTML.“The designer has a final result that is HTML. At the end of the
day his work becomes an HTML layout complemented by CSS. The
developer starts with the HTML that the designer has created and
then makes his code render it dynamically. So it is here, at this
meeting point that is HTML that we must find a way for designer and
developer to meet and do what they both need to do without stepping
on each other’s toes.“Assume for a minute that a designer has designed a simple HTML
Table that will display the details of members on a website in a
simple list display. What if we could let the designer simply tell
us where he wanted the developer to insert the dynamic content and
simply leave it to him? What if, rather than having to explain
complex concepts, the designer could simply say:”
Template Driven PHP Architecture
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