
Terra Soft Solutions releases Yellow Dog Linux 2.0

PRESS RELEASE — Loveland, CO — 29 May 2001 — Terra Soft
Solutions, Inc., the leading developer of Linux solutions for
PowerPC microprocessors, is proud to ship Yellow Dog Linux 2.0.

Geeks beware! Your mother may be using Linux on her flower-power
iMac and your little brother listening to MP3s on his iBook
–unplugged and wireless in the backyard. Bye-bye Redmond. Hello
OpenOffice. Say farewell to static desktops and embrace the freedom
of the GNU you.

PowerPC Linux has grown up. Simple to install. Easy to maintain.
Comfortable and surprisingly familiar, YDL 2.0 is not simply an
upgrade, it’s a new distribution. It’s a means to an end. As Apple
has given us a different kind of computer to use, YDL provides new
reason to use Apple computers.

Dust off the 7600. Fire up the G3. It’s time to give old your
hardware new life. Got a Titanium? You have never seen anything as
beautiful as KDE 2.1 on that gorgeous, wide-format screen.

Exclusively Linux. Nothing but Mac. Terra Soft is redefining
your PowerPC experience.


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