
Testing JavaScript Code with Jasmine

“JavaScript has remained a popular, if often derided,
language since its very inception back in 1995. In recent years its
adoption has skyrocketed as demand for standards- and cross
device-compliant Web applications has soared. Such applications
tend to be pretty complex projects, and appropriately developers
have sought to employ sound testing approaches which ensure the
code is operating as expected. While manual testing has its place,
automated testing strategies can help to ensure maximum and
prolonged coverage of code throughout the project lifetime.

Server-side developers have long experienced the benefits of
automated testing solutions, taking advantage of testing frameworks
such as RSpec for Ruby, PHPUnit for PHP, and JUnit for Java. If you
fall into this crowd but are starting to spend more time with
JavaScript, chances are you’re fretting over how to apply similar
techniques on the client (or or server!) side. Not to worry, as
several interesting JavaScript testing frameworks exist, perhaps
chief among them Jasmine, a popular open source behavior-driven
development framework.

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