“The ground ground shakes. A soft rumble is heard two valleys
over. The noise, although faint, steadily increases. An army is on
the move.”
“Many medium sized companies use an operating system called
Unix. Unlike NT, there are various incompatible varieties of Unix.
As a result, the operating system is not only expensive, but the
hardware and application software packages are more expensive than
Intel (PC)/Microsoft (Windows) systems. In 1991, Linus Torvalds, a
computer science student at the University of Helsinki, created a
version of Unix and gave it away on the Internet. He called it
Linux. He asked for volunteers to test and improve it. Thousands
responded. The result is nothing short of a modern miracle. After
seven years of continuing refinements, many computer professionals
state Linux is better than Windows NT! As you might expect,
Microsoft is not amused by this turn of events.”