“What’s not to love with GNU LilyPond? Meaning: is it at all
possible, either to mildly appreciate it, or perhaps even to hate
the hell out of it?“On our reviews page, I recently stumbled upon Nicolas Sceaux’s
statement that he used to have “a love-hate relationship” with
LilyPond. Coming from arguably the most skilled LilyPonder in the
world, this is somehow surprising.“Thinking about it, however, I soon realized that my own
involvement in the LilyPond project could accurately be described
as some kind of a bipolar disorder: sometimes I can get very
excited, eager to help, eager to please, and nothing seems to go
fast enough. However, a contrecoup is always to be expected: at
some point, things suddenly seem to go too fast for me to keep up,
and I find myself not doing anything for months. Finally, on rare
occasions, something gets me frustrated — and then, for a
short time that feels like forever, everything is tainted with
bitterness and rage.”
The LilyPond Report #22
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