
The Mobile View: Linux Kernel 2.6.33

“Last week brought the arrival of a new Linux kernel, version
2.6.33. With it, came quite a few changes likely to interest to
device developers. So, here is a breakdown of the most significant
mobile/embedded updates to come in the latest kernel.

“For instance, Android patches were dropped from the staging
tree, due to lack of maintenance. Many were surprised that Google
has apparently opted to maintain its kernel patches “out-of-tree.”
However, the ensuing discussions certainly stand to raise the
general awareness level around embedded Linux best practices, which
generally start with “work your changes upstream.”

“Some of the advantages of “mainlining” code include:

“Code improvements from peer review
Code contributions and support from the kernel community
Seamlessly integrating new Linux improvements, such as new device
Simpler merging of any other needed out-of-tree patches
Easier bring-up on new hardware
A much bigger potential user base, because development is so much

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