
The MySQL question – free or free-market?

“The last weeks have seen two sides emerge in the debate over
MySQL’s future. MySQL is currently the sticking point in Oracle’s
planned acquisition of Sun Microsystems; although the acquisition
passed the US regulators, European authorities have decided, after
a preliminary investigation, to open a formal in-depth
investigation into the competition issues around MySQL.

“During the preliminary investigation, the free software and
open source community questioned this notion of competition. The
debate began as a disagreement between two MySQL alumni; in a press
release Monty Widenius suggested that MySQL be sold. Widenius, as
founder and original developer of MySQL wanted Oracle to divest
itself of the MySQL database company. Widenius’s position is that
otherwise Oracle would have the ownership of the MySQL copyright
and trademark, ownership which he believes is key to creating an
economically viable ecosystem around MySQL and that the ownership
of those rights by Oracle would create an anti-competitive

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