DarkDuck: Hello! You are a member of the Porteus team. Could you please introduce yourself?
Ahau: Hi, I am “Ahau”. I keep my real name confidential. I am a member of the Porteus Team. I serve as the Documentation Team Leader, moderator on our forum, and maintainer for the XFCE editions of Porteus. I’m 32 years old, from the US, and I have been involved as a member of the Porteus Community since its inception in December 2010. Before that, I was a user of Slax and “Slax Remix”, from which Porteus evolved.
DD: Are there more people in the project?
A: Yes, there are several people involved in the project. In addition to myself we have a lead maintainer (fanthom, who started Slax Remix), a 32-bit maintainer (brokenman), and several individuals who contribute modules, applications, documentation and support on the forums. We consider ourselves a “Portable Linux Community”, and we take suggestions and contributions, subject to review by our maintainers, from anyone who joins up and is interested.