
The Register: No Joy from P2P vets for Sun’s Jxta

From the Sun perspective, JXTA is the greatest thing since
TCP/IP. From the outside perspective, it pushes the P2P buzzword
button nicely. According to this article, from an experienced P2P
developer’s perspective it mostly elicits an unhappy “Oh my God.”
And the tech press? They’ve declared P2P DOA anyhow.

“Announced by Bill Joy at the O’Reilly P2P conference in
February, Jxta (pronounced “Juxta”) is now live and we’re awash
with positioning papers, technical documentation and real
downloadable code. But the instant reaction from the peer-to-peer
community – who’ve been at this for a little while longer – was

“It’s no good for FreeNet, next to no use for MojoNation or
Gnutella, and no good for SETI at home,” FreeNet developer Adam
Langely told us. “It is buzzword compliant, though.”


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