
theKompany.com releases Kivio beta 3

[ Thanks to Shawn
for this link. ]

Shawn Gordon writes:

theKompany.com is pleased to announce the third, and hopefully
last, public beta of their premier flowcharting tool for KDE,

Changes in this release include the following highlights:

Kivio is now officially part of KOffice and the code is in the
KOffice CVS as well as links on www.koffice.org. This also means
that bug reports, problems and enhancement requests are tracked
through bugs.kde.org.

Printing is now supported.

RMB menus on more tools.

Double clicking a stencil now directly edits text.

Size and position actions have been moved off the toolbar and
onto a dock window.

Snap to grid is now implemented for dragging and resizing.

Added a preferences dialog section for setting and saving
environment preferences.

Enhanced zooming ability including a “birds eye view” panel to
see your entire page.

Various minor changes and bug fixes.

theKompany would also like to extend their continued thanks to
Dave Marotti for his fine work on the original Queesio project on
which Kivio is based, and his continued help with Kivio.

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